Character sheet

Name: Jane
Gender: Girl
Pronouns: She/her
Birthday: Dec 05 1993
Age: 23
Species: human
Occupation: university student (writing major)
Sexuality: lesbian
Partner (some day hopefully): Katy
Height: 5'8

Jane Enlund is a 23 year old university student (in 2016) that lives in pensilvania. She's lived on her own in her apartment for about two years now, and doesn't socialize at all really with any other people at her school of in her class. Her only friend that she really hangs out with is Domanic and they've known eash other since they were in middle school.

She's pretty much constantly busy with school and
her job at Tastie's, she's barely keeping afloat at either
of them with C's in most of her classes and constantly
getting in trouble at work for sleeping or goofing off.
Her days were getting really repetative, and she wasn't
writting for fun anymore, just school. She was starting
to feel really depressed but didn't get why.

Pictures that are good for her^

music she'd like^